Terms and Conditions

Eligibility: This online booking software is intended for use only by patients who are 18 years or older and are legally authorized to make their own medical decisions.

Appointment scheduling: Appointments can be requested through the online booking software, subject to availability of the medical provider and the preferred time slot. Patients are required to provide accurate and complete information about their medical condition and any other relevant information to ensure appropriate treatment and diagnosis.

Cancellation and rescheduling: Patients can cancel or reschedule their appointments through the online booking software up to 24 hours prior to the scheduled appointment time. Late cancellations or no-shows may result in a fee charged to the patient.

Payment: Payment for medical services may be required at the time of booking or at the time of the appointment, as determined by Learn2Lose/Learn2Renew.

Privacy and security: This online booking software adheres to strict privacy and security policies to protect patient information. Patients are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of their login information and for reporting any unauthorized access to the medical online booking software.

Limitations of liability: The medical online booking software and its providers shall not be liable for any damages or losses resulting from the use of this software or any services provided through it.

Technical support: Technical support is available to assist patients with any issues or questions related to the medical online booking software.

Changes to terms: These booking terms may be updated from time to time, and patients will be notified of any changes via email or through the medical online booking software.

Governing law: These booking terms are governed by the laws of the jurisdiction in which the healthcare professional providing the services is located.